Specialty Classes
Thursdays 5:30 PM with Zane
Once a month -on Sunday - check the schedule for dates!
Sunday 9:00 AM
Prenatal Yoga
Temporarily off schedule!
Introduction to Yoga
An occasional series - let us know if you would like to attend a series like this. If we get enough interested parties we will get it on the schedule! Email us here!
Community Class By "donation"
Coming soon!
Plus Videos and Audio file with instructions!
Just give what you can and enjoy these from home!
Thanks for supporting the studio!
Visit the Workshops & Videos Page
Classes with the Masters
Next Date to be announced
This is a series of occasional classes that we have on video. It is quite an experience, especially for those who have never been to India to study with the Iyengars. Come watch and take notes, or practice along with a videotaped class taught by B.K.S., Geeta or Prashant Iyengar, shown on our big flatscreen monitor. Use your class package, or purchase a single class. 50% of proceeds are donated to the Bellur Trust.